Sunday, February 21, 2010


One of the most strangest events happened to The Plugolites when something dawned on one member of a group that were housed in the waste pipes of the Municiple Station.

it all began when one of the wisest of The Plugolite group was peering out through an overflow pipe near to platform three. He was keenly interested in the comings and goings of the humans who used the station. On this day he was almost in a daydream pondering as to why the humans called each other by names; you see the practice among Plugolites is to either recognise a face or sniff the palm of their hand. It had fallen into his mind that what the humans do is rather pleasent, and he thought very acceptable. The thought was such that he planned to raise the matter at the next Plugolite comvention at the Crossroad sewer pipes, next week,weather pending dry.
Well the convention arrived and the weather was dry, Plugolites arrived along all the main waste pipe and main line sewerage routes to be there, it was one of those events no one would want to miss.
The wisest of the Municiple Station group stood up to speak at one pm. he being a well respected Plugolite meant that everyone would listen to his speach with interest; and so he begun, "My friends, my children. i have always sought to find ways that we can advance ourselves, gain a higher understanding of ourselves. So I have been studying the human beings, their ways and their habits. Not all is useful, indeed their wasteful ways are our cherished gains, but, I have come to note one thing that they do that I find a wonderful thing. They greet each other with their own personal name." As he said those words a soft 'OOHhh' ran through the Crossroads sewer pipes, it was as if a monumental thing was about to be declared. So he paused as they 'OOHHH'D', then he continued. "So I have had words with the Plugolite Counsel and it has been agreed, that from next week we can all adopt our own personal names." There was tremdous applause, then he added, "It has been agreed that once you adopt a personal name it cannot be changed, so think about it before declaring your adopted name."
He yhen smiled as he confessed, "I must confess that I have chosen my name, I am William the First." Again there was an applause, this time lasting for several minutes.
That evening as The Plugolites returned to there waste pipe residencies, they were full of the joys of finding a name for themselves to adopt, this has never happened in Plughole.

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