Sunday, February 21, 2010


The world must move on, that is true, but it should give due consideration to the effect that progress can have on those that have no choice.

I am talking about the use of plastic waste pipes, oh yes I see a plumber or two nod with approval, but think! Plugolites are having a hard time on the plastic, it is too slippery and is causing blister on their rear anatomy.
Let me tell you of Patrick O'Flush who arrived at one of the newer house only a month ago. He had been awarded his own residence after sharing a pluhole at the local supermarket for two years, he was well pleased. That was until the human residents moved in and his daily chores began.
He is no frail waste pipe climber, however, once the bath was flushed the sinks emptied and all the ablushions used, he noticed that his grip on the plastic waste pipes was appalling; he was forever slipping, and several times has fallen all the way from the first floor to the groundfloor, burning up blisters on his bottom.
He has raised the matter with the Plugolite Council who informed him that he was not the only one to complain about the humans lack of consideration.
Apparantly it had been decided to cause a mass blockage of all plastic waste pipes. Plans had been set up by the Plugolite Council to enforce a complete boycot of plastic pipes, indeed though they did not support the blocking of plastic pipes they agreed to overlook the protests in various locations.
The blockage had caused great disruption to the humans who had called plumbers from all over the county. Within weeks some of the locations were having the plastic waste pipes removed and good old fashioned copper pipes were being used, along with some metal ones. This caused great rejoicing as the Plugolites had never actually forced an issue with the humans before.
There was much jubliation down the plughole, and harmony was restored, and blisters gone.

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