Sunday, February 21, 2010


The Gurgle Alarms had been going for much of the night Beyond the Plughole at Hillside Apartments. All six apartments had been experiencing gurgles from their waste pipes for nearly all of yeasterday and through the night, so they had agreed to call in a Drainclean expert.

Even the Plugolites had become iritated by the Gurgle Alarms, they had like the humans little sleep. It was discussed as to the turning off of the Gurgle Alarms, but then it seemed that a more serious problem existed when plugolite Freddie Fender invesigated the cause and reported that there was a servere blockage of the main waste, 'It's hair, human hair thats blocking their main waste.' He told the fifteen Plugolites, 'And its to deep to remove with my pipe scraper.'
As the Plugolites discussed what they could do, the Hillside Apartment residence were showing a Drainclean expert their problem. He decided that he would have to use his water pressure probe and began pushing the probes line into the waste pipe.
Unknown to him his probe was beging watched by all the plugulites as it twisted and turned through the pipes. For the Plugolites this was not a good thing, it could flood their residences high in the overflows. Mervyn, a wise Plugolite suggested that they divert the probe and so, unbeknown to the drain expert, he suggested that they might send it up a residents waste pipe instead. This agreed, two plugolites grappeled with the probe and manged to divert it up a down waste pipe, which they had no idea what flat it was going to arrive at.
Believing that he had reached the length of probe nesescary, the drain expert turned on his water pressure pump, sending hiogh pressure water through the probe. Sadly for him he was unaware that the Plugolites had diverted his probe, and the high pressure water was at that moment spouting out like a fountain from apartment number four's sink.
Down the Plughole the Plugolites were frantically attempting to clear the blockage themselves, indeed they are Plugolites and experts in all matters waste pipes.
In apartment four the resident Mr. Warldorf Aladd was outside his appartment shouting for help, as his kitchen was flooding with water.
Down the Pluhole the Plugolites had resorted to using some of their collected human cleaning materials and were engaged in using these to clear the blockage.
Above in apartment four, the drain expert had been rushed to assist Mr. Waldorf Aladd and imiediately realised that the spouting water from the sink had to be from his water pressure probe. He rushed to turn the pump off.
Down the Plughole the Plugolites were jubillant, they could see that their method was causing the blockage to disolve. However they were unaware of the flooding that their diverting of the water pressure probe had caused. In fact their success caused them to give a rousing three minutes of Gurgle Alarm sounding, which could be heard in every waste pipe throughout the apartments.
The drain expert was most appologetic and cleaned up the mess, then when he heard the long three minutes of gurgles from the waste pipes, he nodded his head saying, 'I believe I have cleared it.'
For the Plugolites their siccess will go un-noticed by the humans, as they contime to watch over matters of waste pipes Down the Plughole.

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