Sunday, February 21, 2010


The Plugolites who were living at the Civic Builds, enjoying a relaxing spa, at the U-Bend, They always had the weekend free of any activity, only Monday to Friday, after 8am and before 6pm was there ever and water flushed down the pipes.

So it was they relaxed in Plughole without a care in the world. Well that was how it was supposed to be. At 11am on Saturday their whole world began to thunder and shake, little did they know that the plumber was in the building and was checking a few waste pipes. It came as a mighty shock when the U-Bend started to twist and turn, they ran for their lives as the water in the U-Bend disappeared out of a crack that was appearing. The plumber was unscrewing the U-Bend, checking any blockage, he had been told that there were very loud gurgling sounds emitting from the hand basin in the ladies washroom.
As he disconnected the waste pipe from the U-Bend he heard loud gurgling deep in the waste pipe. Of corse he had no idea he had set of all the Plugolites Gurgle Alarms, suddenly to the plumbers astonishment, the whole building came aliove with the sound of gurgling. Every single waste and sink was gurgling in a persistance that defied the plumbers knowledge. As he removed the U-Bend to take a look The Plugolites had decided to take action to protect their interests. As the plumber leaned down to peer into the now open waste pipe, curious as to why this gurgling was still going on, one of The Plugolites threw a lump of pipe sludge straight into his face. It was a perfect direct hit on the bridge of his nose. "My, what did that, never had that happen." he exclaimed. Then after wiping the sludge off of his nose, he leaned forward again, determined to see if there was a blockage causing the gurgling. This time three of The Plugolites had prepared themselves with pipe sludge, so as his face appeared at the opening of the waste pipe, Slap! a lump of sludge came flying out, then another, and then another.
Concerned that a lot more might emerge, he re-connected the U-Bend to the waste pipe, and decided to just flush water down the pipes first, in the hope it might clear itself.
More than Pleased The Plugolites stamped their feet all along the pipes, at the same time the Gurgle Alarms continued. The plumber could see the pipes were as if shaking, and could hear the gurgling everywhere. As he flushed water out of the hand basin. The Plugolites ran for cover, The shking of the pipes stopped and as soon as the water was gone, the gurgling stopped.
The plumber shook his head, "I guess that cleared some blockages, thank goodness. Thats me done." he said and packed his wrench away.
Down in Plughole, The Plugolites were joyus as they heard his footsteps leave and the Civic building doors close, "Perhaps we can do a spot of bathing at the U-Bend again now." they said, as peace was restored in Plughole.

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